Indore Chapter
Indore Chapter

Dive into Tech Brilliance: Exploring Monorepo and AWS S3 Bucket

Rohit Tomar Indore Chapter

On August 26, Join C# Corner Indore Chapter Webinar to learn about Monorepo and AWS S3 Bucket.

It's a FREE Webinar.

Prerequisites: Microsoft Teams 

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 471 454 975 560

Passcode: H3dCir

On August 26, we will cover the following topics,

  • Introduction to C# Corner
  • Monorepo Overview
    • Introduction to the Monorepo
    • Detail about Monorepo
    • Demo
  • AWS S3 Bucket
    • Introduction to AWS S3 Bucket
    • Creating AWS S3 Bucket Demo

Session details are as follows,

Introduction to C# Corner Viral Jain 05:00 PM - 05:05 PM
AWS S3 Bucket Viral Jain 05:05 PM - 06:00 PM
Monorepo Overview  Pradhan Yash Sharma 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

For any queries regarding registration, please feel free to reach out at +91-9907491927.

  • NA 509 0
  • 36 36.4k 1.3m
Chapters Leader

I am working on IOT, Azure, and ASP.NET MVC and .NET Core and like to explore new technologies and writing blogs on it. I've worked on ASP.NET MVC, .NET ...

Webinar Details

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