Noida Chapter
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Noida Chapter

Azure Form Recognizer: The Next Level of OCR - Azure User Group Sweden

Rohit Tomar Noida Chapter

Azure Form Recognizer is one of those services that shouldn't have to exist. In the best of all worlds, all data would be structured, labeled, and machine-readable so that it could be automatically processed and made available for everyone to read and understand.

But the reality is that even in the 2020:s PDFs, printed forms and other types of documents are very common formats to carry information between systems and to enable human interaction. Azure Form Recognizer is here to help with understanding these.

Azure Form Recognizer is an AI-powered document extraction service that understands your forms. It can understand a handful of document types out of the box - but the real advantage is that you can train it to understand forms and documents custom to your domain.

In this session, we will walk through the suite of features that Form Recognizer offers and how you can leverage those in your applications.


Peter Örneholm is an IT consultant and Microsoft AI MVP who loves to explore life. Using the power of Azure is his passion. Peter has over 10 years of experience in Microsoft-related technologies and currently works as an IT consultant at Active Solution in Stockholm helping companies achieve more using modern web and cloud technologies.



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