Noida Chapter
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Noida Chapter

Automate Document Processing with Azure Form Recognizer - Azure for Sure - S2 - Ep. 8

Rohit Tomar Noida Chapter

Join this live session with Foteini Savvidou and Stephen SIMON to learn about Automate Document Processing with Azure Form Recognizer on March 23 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US).


One of the challenges every business faces is converting documents, such as invoices, contracts, health records, or printed forms, into a machine-readable format and extracting useful information. Form Recognizer, a cloud-based Azure Applied AI Service, is here to help! In this session, we'll explore the features that Form Recognizer offers and show how you can leverage those features into a document processing system.


Foteini Savvidou is an undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engineering student at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Microsoft AI MVP, and Gold Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador. She is interested in machine learning, AI, IoT, and cloud technologies, especially in applications of technology in healthcare and education. Always passionate about teaching and discovering new things, Foteini helps people expand their technical skills through organizing workshops and writing articles on her blog and the Educator Developer Blog - Microsoft Tech Community.

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