Ahmedabad Chapter
Ahmedabad Chapter

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services on Microsoft Azure

Jignesh Trivedi Ahmedabad Chapter
On September 22, Join Ahmedabad Chapter meet to learn "Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services on Microsoft Azure".
Price: Free of cost
Requirement: It would be great if all participant should come with their Laptop and activated Azure Free Trial Account (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/free/) for hands on sessions.
On September 22, we will cover the following topics, 
Introduction to C# Corner
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services on Microsoft Azure
  • AI Capabilities of Microsoft Azure
  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Microsoft Cognitive Services
  • BOT Framework
  • Azure HDInsight (Big Data
Registration starts at 10:30 AM. So we request you to be there at 10:30 to get a seat.
Session details are as follows,

Introduction to C# Corner Suketu Nayak
10:45 AM - 11:00 PM
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services on Microsoft Azure
Suketu NayakRomil Bheda
11:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Queries concerning your registration should be addressed to [email protected] or call at +91- 9899564140.

  • NA 5.4k 359k
  • NA 6.2k 285.2k
Chapters Leader

Jignesh Trivedi is a Developer, C# Corner MVP, Microsoft MVP, Author, Blogger,eager to learn new technologies

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