The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure - Second Edition

The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure - Second Edition

Michael Crump, Barry Luijbregts

This eBook was written by developers for developers. It is specifically meant to give you the fundamental knowledge of what Azure is all about, what it offers you and your organization, and how to take advantage of it all.

  • Published on Jan 15 2018
  • Pages 62
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The demand for software and related services today is greater than ever before and this trend will only continue – exponentially so – as applications of all sorts more and more become a part of every aspect of our daily lives. You, as a developer, are the “magician” who is bringing this digital revolution to your users and that’s not easy. Besides creating the unique tangible features that your software offers, there are so many behind-thescenes elements that you need to take care of: your applications need to be highly available, performant all over the world, function seamlessly on a wide range of devices, be secure and be able to run at massive scale for a reasonable price. These challenges are common across most software and most industries. The solutions, however, are ephemeral things that we keep reinventing, and they can be difficult and costly to build and maintain.

The eBook covers the following topics,
  • Chapter 1: The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft
  • Chapter 2: Getting started with Microsoft Azure
  • Chapter 3: Adding intelligence to your application
  • Chapter 4: Securing your application
  • Chapter 5: Where and how to deploy your Microsoft Azure services
  • Chapter 6: A walk-through of Microsoft Azure
  • Chapter 7: Using the Microsoft Azure Marketplace

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