Introduction to Mongo DB

Introduction to Mongo DB

RamaSagar Pulidindi

Mongo DB (from "humongous") is a cross-platform document-oriented database system. Classified as a NoSQL database.

  • Published on Jun 10 2014
  • Pages 66
  • Downloaded 7.7k
  • Type PDF
Mongo DB (from "humongous") is a cross-platform document-oriented database system. Classified as a NoSQL database, Mongo DB eschews the traditional table-based relational database structure in favor of JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (Mongo DB calls the format BSON), making the integration of data in certain types of applications easier and faster.
It has been written in C++ as a document-oriented database, so it manages collections of JSON-like documents.
Mongo DB supports cross-platform support (Windows, Linux, Solaris). It also has a rich set of data types (supports dates, regular expressions, code, and binary data).
Mongo DB uses memory mapped files. For Windows the data size is limited to 2GB on 32-bit machines (64-bit systems have a much larger data size).
  1. Introduction to the Mongo Database
  2. Exercise 1: Setting up the server
  3. Task 1: Download & Installation
  4. Exercise 2: Command Line Options
  5. Task 1: Know Different commands
  6. Exercise 3: Install as a service
  7. Exercise 4: Replica Set
  8. Exercise 5: Mongo Shell
  9. Exercise 6: Storing Data
  10. Exercise 7: Updating Document
  11. Task 1: Using Find and Modify
  12. Exercise 8: Finding Documents
  13. Exercise 9: Cursor Operations
  14. Exercise 10: Indexing
  15. Resources and References

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