Inner Join
Inner join returns only those records or rows that match or exist in both tables. In other words, it gives a common pattern from both tables.
SQL Syntax
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1
INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;
Now design the tables and insert the dummy records as below
Now Integrate database tables to your application using Entity framework database first approach.
![Inner Join Using LINQ And Lambda]()
Here CSharpCornerEntities is the Entity framework context name. Now let us see the example using these tables
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace InnerJoin {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
using(CSharpCornerEntities databaseEntities = new CSharpCornerEntities()) {#
region InnerJoin with Linq
//deffered query exection
var linqQuery = from emp in databaseEntities.Employees
join dep in databaseEntities.Departments
on emp.ID equals dep.EmpID
select new {
Console.WriteLine("\n\t Employee Data with Inner join Using Linq Query");
//immediate query execution
foreach(var empData in linqQuery) {
Console.WriteLine("ID : " + empData.ID + ", Name : " + empData.Name + ", Department : " + empData.DepartmentName);
endregion# region InnerJoin with Lambda
//deffered query exection
var LambdaQuery = databaseEntities.Employees.Join(databaseEntities.Departments, e => e.ID, d => d.EmpID, (e, d) => new {
e.ID, e.Name, d.DepartmentName
Console.WriteLine("\n\t Employee Data with Inner join Using Linq Lambda");
//immediate query execution
foreach(var empData in LambdaQuery) {
Console.WriteLine("ID : " + empData.ID + ", Name : " + empData.Name + ", Department : " + empData.DepartmentName);
Now run your application.
![Inner Join Using LINQ And Lambda]()
I hope it's helpful