My question to fellow developers out there is, do you like Windows Vista? If the answer is YES, then WHY?
I hate it. Period. It is very slow and runs so many resources. Here is an example. I have four laptops - 3 with Windows Vista and one with XP. All three with Windows Vista have 2GB or more RAM and latest processors and all have SQL Server 2005, Visual Studio 2005 and other standard software I use. Yet, I use my 3 years old laptop that has 512MB RAM. Reason? It is much faster than the others.
Performance is not only the reason. New security in Vista is very confusing and annoying. If it confuses techies like us, what do you think about home users?
As always, Microsoft leaves you no choice. All new systems come with Windows Vista now. I've seen businesses and individuals buy machines with Vista and end up loading Windows XP on them.
I wonder if the success (or should I say failure?) of Windows Vista will affect the success of .NET 3.0 and 3.5? Microsoft has spent a fortune in .NET 3.0/3.5 model that revolves around Vista.
Unless Microsoft comes up with quick and improved fixes, I don't see Vista flying high. XP will still be the favorite.
Some more readings: