Will Microsoft Open Source its Browser “Spartan”

If you’ve kept up with C# Corner News, I am sure you’re aware that Microsoft is open sourcing its technologies, tools, and platforms..NET Framework including the CLR and the Build engine are now open source. Many other APIs and tools are open sourced and Microsoft team is working very closely with .NET Foundation to support open source community.

Will Microsoft open source its next web browser named project Spartan?

Based on recent moves Microsoft has made, I don’t see why not.

In a recent announcement, Microsoft has partnered with Adobe to work together on building web platforms. According to the blog, Adobe has already contributed to project Spartan. From the blog:

“Adobe is a major contributor to open source browser engines such as WebKit, Blink, and Gecko. In the past, it was challenging for them (or anyone external to Microsoft) to make contributions to the Internet Explorer code base. As a result, as Adobe improved the Web platform in other browsers, but couldn't bring the same improvements to Microsoft's platform. This changed a few months ago when Microsoft made it possible for the Adobe Web Platform Team to contribute to Project Spartan. The team contributes in the areas of layout, typography, graphic design and motion, with significant commits to the Web platform. Adobe engineers Rik Cabanier, Max Vujovic, Sylvain Galineau, and Ethan Malasky have provided contributions in partnership with engineers on the IE team.”

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