What Makes An API A REST API?

What makes an API a REST API?

The term API refers to a software interface that enables two programs to communicate with one another and exchange data.

But not all APIs are REST APIs, so what's the difference exactly?

REST APIs adhere to the design principles of REST (Representational State Transfer) software architecture.

There are six principles to REST design. These are known as architectural constraints, and are defined below.

1. Uniform interface

There are four interfaces used to maintain uniformity and simplify overall architecture. These are:

  • Resource identification
  • Resource manipulation through representations
  • Self-descriptive messages
  • Hypermedia as the engine of the application state

2. Client-Sever decoupling

Decoupling means the separation and independence of two or more entities.

By separating the user interface from data storage, we increase the user interface's portability and the server components' scalability.

3. Stateless

REST APIs are stateless, meaning servers should not store any data about a request, and each request should contain all the necessary information to process it fully.

Each API call made is independent of one another.

4. Layered System architecture

There are other intermediary components between the client and end server. Neither knows if they are interacting directly with each other.

These layers add better flexibility and security, because each layer cannot interact outside of itself.

5. Cacheable

Because of statelessness, data is only storable on the client side via cache.

Server responses must indicate whether the data sent is cacheable using HTTP Cache-Control headers.

The aim is to improve client-side performance.

6. Code on demand

This final constraint is not required, but permits executable code to be sent to the client in a server response, instead of sending static resources as usual.

The aim here is to improve client functionality and system extensibility.

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