Have you ever imagined of finding a webpart in the site collection you have deployed ? May be you need to know which all pages gets affected when you remove a particular webpart.
WebPart Collector or finder as you can say, is a new community addition which does that exactly. You can find it in webpartcollector.codeplex.com
WebPart Collector basically contains the logic to traverse and display all aspx pages within the current site collection and deploys jquery files and images into your layouts folder to have that tree structure while exploring.
This will help you identify all the web parts that are located in each page inside your site collection.
Install the WSP and make sure the WebPart collector feature is activated.
Now, edit a page and add the webpart collector web part into the page. You will get a view similar to something below which would track all the web parts within the site collection. The root tree nodes will have the title of the document library and it expands to show the pages within the library on which the webparts are found.
There are many options that can be selected to view the webparts. You can either select only the custom web parts in pages or web parts added in pages that are in the quick launch.
Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. ![:)]()