Welcome to a blog on web part maintenance page in SharePoint 2013 and Office 365. There might be many cases while we are editing the page, or adding a new web part that the web part gets corrupted and you face an error while opening the page.
Sometimes the case is the worst if it is your home page of the site.
Don’t worry, perform the steps below,
- For example this is your home page link.
- Add a text next to it, “?contents=1”
- Paste the code above in your browser.
- You will see the screen below, the web part maintenance page.
It will portray all the web parts on the page which will help you to identify the web part which has thrown an error. Select the web part and delete it. Once done, you can click on ‘Go Back to Web Part Page’ and your page will be back.
It will bring back your heart beat seeing that your site is functioning absolutely fine. Until then, keep leaning.