Recently our client provided us company anniversary video and asked us if we could add it to the SharePoint Online site and showcase the result. So, I thought about what the options available are. And I am writing this blog to showcase the options available and their advantages and limitations. Let’s see the options first:
If you want to check any previous options, you can click on that option in the above list and read more about that option.
If you want to add a video to your current site or any site in your tenant, then you can use this option. For this blog, we will use video from the SharePoint site.
- Upload video to SharePoint Library.
- Now add Highlighted Content webpart to your page.
- Select the pencil icon to edit the web part.
- In the Source dropdown, select "A document library on this site".
- In the Document Library dropdown, select the document library where your videos are stored.
- In the Document type dropdown, select Video.
- In the Filter and Sort section, for the Filter dropdown, select Column name.
- In the Column name dropdown, select Name (File).
- In the next dropdown, select “Equals”.
- In the Enter search value field, enter the name of the video with the extension. For example, in my case, we will enter “Sample Video 1.mp4”.
- In Layout, select carousal.
- Close the ribbon. Update the video title manually.
- Save the page.
- Video will render as below.
- The select option can pick videos from classic libraries, like site assets.
- Video is available to any user who has access to the file. If you want to manage permission, that can be done using SharePoint’s permission management.
- The video takes full section width.
- The video provides you with expected functionality, like showing thumbnails and providing a play icon. On the play, the icon clicks, and the video starts.
- With Stream on SharePoint coming, Microsoft is promoting this option to build video gallery kind of functionality. You can read more below link:
- We need to provide the title in the carousal view manually.
- There is no description or caption functionality. However, you can overcome this by adding the details below the title. The only issue is the separation of the title and description is not identical, as both have the same font size.
- On the play button click, it will open the video in the stream.