Using Existing Cognito Pools With AWS Amplify

With the new Amplify CLI, you can import existing Amazon Cognito resources into your Amplify project. Just run the "amplify import auth" command, and Amplify CLI will automatically configure all your Amplify-provisioned resources (GraphQL APIs, S3 buckets, and more) to be authenticated with your designated existing Cognito User Pool or Identity Pool.


  • NodeJS 14.x or later
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Install the latest Amplify CLI version using `npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli`
  • Amplify CLI is already configured with the `amplify configure` command.

[!NOTE] To use an existing Cognito user pool, you need to register two client applications in the App Integration section of the user pool. One for the web application client and another one for native application. Register the web application client without app secret and register the native client with app secret.

Create a User pool with a Web Client

  1. Sign in to the AWS management console and navigate to the Cognito dashboard. Choose the region as us-east-1. Navigate to the new Console.
  2. Click on the Create User Pool button.
  3. In the Configure sign-in experience page,
    1. Cognito user pool will be selected by default for Provider types.
    2. For Cognito user pool sign-in options, select Usernameemail, and Phone number.
    3. Select the checkbox for Allow users to sign in with a preferred user name under User name requirements.
    4. Click on the Next button.
  4. On the Configure security requirements page,
    1. Choose the Password policy mode as Cognito defaults.
    2. Choose No MFA for the Multi-factor authentication setting.
    3. Under the User account recovery, select the checkbox for Enable self-service account recovery - Recommended. For Delivery method for user account recovery messages, choose Email if available, otherwise, SMS.
    4. Click on the Next button.
  5. In the Configure sign-up experience page,
    1. Uncheck the checkbox for Enable self-registration.
    2. Do not modify anything for Attribute verification and user account confirmation.
    3. In the Required attributes section, choose the attributes name, gender, and phone_number from the drop-down list.
    4. Click on the Next page.
  6. In the Configure message delivery page,
    1. Under the Email configuration, select Send email with Cognito option. It is suitable for Dev/Test scenarios.
    2. For SMS configuration, Specify the name of an IAM role. If you have already created another role for a different User pool, you can select the existing role.
    3. Click on the Next button.
  7. In the Integrate your app page,
    1. Specify the user pool name as EmployeeAppUserPool.
    2. Under the Hosted authentication pages, select the Use the Cognito Hosted UI checkbox.
    3. In the Domain configuration page, select Use a Cognito domain option and enter a valid domain name prefix in the Cognito domain textbox.
    4. In the Initial app client section, select the Public client as the app type.
    5. Specify the client app name as Employee Web Portal.
    6. For the client secret, choose Don't generate a client secret option.
    7. In the Allowed callback URLs section, type http://localhost as the callback URL. When you build a client application, you can update it with the hosted URL of the client application.
    8. Expand the Advanced app client settings section and make sure ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH, ALLOW_CUSTOM_AUTH, and ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH authentication flows are selected.
    9. Leave the token configuration parameters values as default.
    10. For OAuth 2.0 Grant Types, select only Implicit Grant.
    11. For OpenID Connect scopes, select only Email and Openid.
    12. You can also review the Attribute read and write permissions. Click on the Next button.
  8. In the Review and create page, verify all settings and click the Create User Pool button.
  9. After the user pool is created, you can see it in the Cognito user pool dashboard. You can note the User pool ID value of the User pool you have created for configuring in the application.

Register a native app client in the user pool

  1. Select the newly created user pool from the Cognito user pool dashboard.
  2. Click on the App integration tab.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom and click on create app client button.
  4. In the App client section, select the Public client as the app type.
  5. Specify the client app name as Employee Native App.
  6. For the client secret, choose the Generate a client secret - Recommended option.
  7. For authentication flows, select ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH, ALLOW_CUSTOM_AUTH, and ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH authentication options.
  8. Leave the refresh token, id token, and access token expiry values as default.
  9. Under the Hosted UI settings section, type http://localhost for the Allowed callback URLs
  10. For Identity providers, Cognito user pool is by default selected.
  11. For OAuth 2.0 Grant Types, select only Implicit Grant.
  12. For OpenID Connect scopes, select only Email and Openid.
  13. You can also review the Attribute read and write permissions. Click on the Create app client button.

Create users in the user pool

  1. After successfully creating the user pool, you need to navigate to the user pool by clicking on the user pool name.
  2. In the User pool page, you can see the option for adding users under the Users tab.
  3. Click on the Create user button to add a new user.
  4. In the Create user page, select Email for the Alias attributes used to sign in option.
  5. Choose Don't send an invitation option for Invitation message.
  6. Specify the user name in the username textbox. Also, specify an email and select the Mark email address as verified checkbox. Specify the phone number and select the Mark phone number as verified checkbox.
  7. For the Temporary password section, select the Set a password option and type an initial password in the password textbox. This password needs to be changed in the initial login.
  8. Click on the Create user button to create the user. 9) You can add more users by following the abovementioned steps.

Create an identity pool

  1. Open the AWS management console and navigate to the Cognito console.
  2. Click on Federated Identities to create an identity pool.
  3. Specify the identity pool name as EmployeeAppIdentityPool.
  4. Scroll down to the Authentication providers section and select the Cognito tab.
    1. Enter the User pool id of the previously created EmployeeAppUserPool user pool.
    2. Enter the Employee Web Portal client app Id.
  5. Click on Add another provider.
    1. Enter the User pool id of the previously created EmployeeAppUserPool user pool.
    2. Enter the Employee Native App client app Id.
  6. Click on Create Pool button.
  7. Click on the Allow to create the identity pool.

Setup the backend REST API authentication with Cognito User Pool

  1. Open the employee-api-starter project in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Restore all node packages by running the npm install command.
  3. Install the following npm package to support Cognito authentication.

    npm install --save cognito-express

Create auth.js file in the project root folder and add the following code.

const CognitoExpress = require('cognito-express')

// Setup CognitoExpress
const cognitoExpress = new CognitoExpress({
    region: process.env.REGION,
    cognitoUserPoolId: process.env.COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID,
    tokenUse: "access",
    tokenExpiration: 3600

exports.validateAuth = (req, res, next) => {
    // Check that the request contains a token
    if (req.headers.authorization && req.headers.authorization.split(" ")[0] === "Bearer") {
        // Validate the token
        const token = req.headers.authorization.split(" ")[1]
        cognitoExpress.validate(token, function (err, response) {
            if (err) {
                // If there was an error, return a 401 Unauthorized along with the error
            } else {
                //Else API has been authenticated. Proceed.
    } else {
        // If there is no token, respond appropriately 
        res.status(401).send("Access denied, check the access token is sent correctly.")

5. Open the routes/employee-routes.js file and add the following import statement on top.

const { validateAuth } = require('../auth')

6. Update the route for adding a new employee to support JWT token authentication. Use the validateAuth middleware for the route to validate the JWT token sent by the client application."/",[validateAuth], async(req,res)=>{
    let employee = req.body;
    let result = await empSvc.addEmployee(employee)
            res.status(500).json({'message':'Unable to add new employee'})
        res.status(201).json({'message':'Employee added successfully'})

7. Update the serverless.yml file to specify the Cognito user pool id you created above.

    TABLENAME: ${self:custom.tableName}
    NODE_ENV: 'production'

8. Deploy the backend API using the following command.

serverless deploy

Configure React application with Amplify

1. Open the project employee-portal-starter using VS Code.

2. Open the command terminal in the project folder.

3. Initialize the Amplify in the current project folder.

amplify init

Note: It is recommended to run this command from the root of your app directory
? Enter a name for the project :employeeportal
The following configuration will be applied:

Project information
| Name: employeeportal
| Environment: dev
| Default editor: Visual Studio Code
| App type: javascript
| Javascript framework: react
| Source Directory Path: src
| Distribution Directory Path: build
| Build Command: npm.cmd run-script build
| Start Command: npm.cmd run-script start

? Initialize the project with the above configuration? No
? Enter a name for the environment :prod
? Choose your default editor: Visual Studio Code
? Choose the type of app that you're building javascript
Please tell us about your project
? What javascript framework are you using react
? Source Directory Path:  src
? Distribution Directory Path: build
? Build Command:  npm.cmd run-script build
? Start Command: npm.cmd run-script start
Using default provider  awscloudformation
? Select the authentication method you want to use: AWS profile
For more information on AWS Profiles, see:

? Please choose the profile you want to use : default
Adding backend environment prod to AWS Amplify app: d29a0v7ge07a4o
| Initializing project in the cloud...

4. Import the cognito resources by running the following command:

amplify import auth

Using service: Cognito, provided by: awscloudformation
v What type of auth resource do you want to import? · Cognito User Pool and Identity Pool
? Only one Cognito User Pool (ap-south-1_Pj5phYg8U) found and it was automatically selected.
? Only one Web app client found: 'Employee Web Portal' was automatically selected.
The User Pool has multiple Native app clients configured.
v Select a Native client to import: · 13lu68v3iao9q018f2uq03ka1o
? Only one Identity Pool resource found: 'EmployeeAppIdentityPool' (ap-south-1:982178eb-0983-42e8-9065-3666b41df1e7) was automatically selected.

? Cognito User Pool 'EmployeesUserPool' and Identity Pool 'EmployeeAppIdentityPool' was successfully imported.

Next steps:
- This resource will be available for GraphQL APIs ('amplify add api')
- Use Amplify libraries to add signup, signin, signout capabilities to your client application.
    - iOS:
    - Android:
    - JavaScript:

5. Now that we've imported our Cognito resource into our Amplify project, let's leverage it within our UI. Let's generate the configuration files by running the following:

amplify push

6. Accept all the default values for the prompted questions. You should see a new aws-exports.js file in the src/ folder with the Cognito resource information. Your aws-exports.js file should look something like this:

const awsmobile = {
    "aws_project_region": "YOUR_REGION",
    "aws_cognito_identity_pool_id": "YOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_ID",
    "aws_cognito_region": "YOUR_REGION",
    "aws_user_pools_id": "YOUR_USER_POOL_ID",
    "aws_user_pools_web_client_id": "YOUR_USER_POOL_WEB_CLIENT_ID",
    "oauth": {}

7. Add the following npm packages to generate the Login and Signup ui elements for your application

npm install
npm install --save aws-amplify @aws-amplify/ui-react

8. Open the App.js file in your react application and add the following code below all import statements

import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify';
import { Authenticator } from '@aws-amplify/ui-react';
import '@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css';
import awsExports from './aws-exports';

9. Update the App component code with the following. This will add a signout link and show the currently logged-in user name in the navigation bar.

function App({ loadEmployees }) {

    return (
        <Authenticator loginMechanisms={['username']}>
            {({ signOut, user }) => (
                    <Navbar bg="dark" variant="dark">
                            <Navbar.Brand href="#home">{process.env.REACT_APP_APP_NAME}</Navbar.Brand>
                            <Nav className="me-auto">
                                <Nav.Link as={Link} to="/" >Home</Nav.Link>
                                <Nav.Link as={Link} to="/about">About</Nav.Link>
                                <Nav.Link as={Link} to="/contact">Contact</Nav.Link>
                                <Nav.Link onClick={signOut}>Sign out</Nav.Link>
                                <Nav.Link href ="#" > Welcome {user.username}</Nav.Link> 
                            <Route exact path="/" element={<Home />}></Route>
                            <Route exact path="about" element={<About />}></Route>
                            <Route exact path="contact" element={<Contact />}></Route>
                            <Route exact path="employees/loc/:locId/ecode/:ecode" element={<EmployeeDetail />}></Route>
                            <Route exact path="employees/create" element={<EmployeeForm />} ></Route>
                            <Route path="*" element={<Navigate to="/" />} />

10. You can now test the application locally by running the following command.

npm start

Consume protected APIs with Access Token

1. Open src/components/EmployeeForm.jsx file in the project.

2. Update the handleSubmit() code with the following

async handleSubmit(e) {
    let session = await Auth.currentSession().catch(err => console.log("Unable to get access token"))
    if (session) {
        let token = session.getAccessToken().getJwtToken();
        const {
        } = this.state;
        this.props.addEmployee(employee, token);
            redirect: true
    } else {
        alert("User not logged in")

3. Now, open the src/actions/action-creators.js file.

4. Update the addEmployee method with the following.

This will use the access token to call the backend API.

export function addEmployee(employee, accessToken) {
    return async (dispatch) => {
        try {
            let options = {
                headers: {
                    "Authorization": `Bearer ${accessToken}`
            let result = await, employee, options); //adding to database but not to inmemory state
            //update the state with dispatching an ADD_EMPLOYEE action
                type: ActionTypes.ADD_EMPLOYEE,
                payload: employee
            return Promise.resolve(;
        } catch (err) {
            return Promise.reject(err);

5. Run and test the application

npm start

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