Useful Commands for SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Development using Node.js Command Prompt


These are a few commands which are very useful when developing the SharePoint framework(Spfx) web part. It requires the installation of several components, including jQuery, Bootstrap, Datatable, Gulp, PnP js, jquery UI, Yeoman, etc.  


Install Yeoman and gulp
npm install -g yo gulp
To check the version of the Yeoman
yo –version
gulp –v 
Install jQuery
Npm install jquery -save
Npm install @types/jquery --save
Install bootstrap
npm install bootstrap –save
npm install @types/bootstrap –save
Install data table
npm install –save
npm install @types/ --save
Build the solution
Gulp bundle
Create a package of the solution
Gulp package-solution
Run the solution
Gulp serve
Open the solution in the code editor of your choice
Install the SharePoint Framework Yeoman generator globally
npm install -g @microsoft/generator-sharepoint
Trust the certificate
gulp trust-dev-cert
Install SPFx controls react controls
npm install @pnp/spfx-controls-react --save --save-exact
Install PnP components
npm install node-pnp-js –save
Install jQueryUI
npm install @types/jqueryui –save
To kill the node process that is running the live server with Gulp
taskkill /f /im node.exe
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