//Source.aspx.cs Drag One Button In Window Form & Named “BtnNext”…. private void BtnNext_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Drag Two TextBox In Window From & Named “TxtUserName” & “TxtSystemName”... //Store Values In Two Session Variable From The TextBoxes... Session["UserName"]=TxtUserName.Text; Session["SystemName"]=TxtSystemName.Text; Server.Transfer("Destination.aspx"); } //Destination.aspx.cs Drag Two Labels In Window Form Named “LblUName” & “LblSName”… private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Store Session Variables Value In The Lables…. LblUName.Text=Session["UserName"].ToString(); LblSName.Text=Session["SystemName"].ToString(); //Remove Both Session Variable... Session.Remove("UserName"); Session.Remove("SystemName"); }