Usability - Cases


The Case entity (tickets or incidents) provides incident-based tracking for issues that may arise from customers, whether they are external or internal. It is designed to track the process from the initial intake of an incident, tracking the details throughout the remediation process, and through final resolution. Cases can be assigned to CRM users or teams.

Add a Case

Step 1
Go to the Service module > Select Cases section.
Step 2
Click New Case.
Usability - Cases
Step 3
Fill out the appropriate information in the Case window. Required fields are Case, Customer, and Owner.
Usability - Cases
Step 4
Click Save & Close.
Step 5
The Case will stay active and it can be assigned to a user, team, or added to a queue to be worked on.

Resolve a Case

A. From a View
Step 1
Check the box to the left of the case that you would like to resolve.
Step 2
Click Resolve Case.
Usability - Cases
Step 3
Select the resolution type, the resolution, and billable time.
Step 4
Click the OK button. Now the case will be resolved.
Usability - Cases
B. From the Case Record
Step 1
Open the case record > Click the Resolve Case button.
Step 2
Enter information for the resolution type and the description.
Step 3
Click OK. This will resolve the case.
Usability - Cases
Re-Open a Case
To reactivate the case open the case record and on the top of the screen click the Reactivate Case button. Once the case is reactivated it is possible to make changes to it again.
Usability - Cases
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