Update A SharePoint List Item Without Increasing Its Item File Version Using SharePoint Client Side Model(CSOM)

Basically, when we are trying to update a SharePoint List Item/Document then the item/file version is increased according to the list versioning. In the Server side object model, we can update a List Item without increasing its file version by setting ‘SystemUpdate’ as false. But in CSOM ‘SystemUpdate’ property is not supported.

In this below code block, I have mentioned how we can update a Listitem/file without changing item/file version number by using “ValidateUpdateListItem” method.

I have used a sample console application to achieve the goal. I have executed the below code sample for an SPO (O365) server and this will also work for all other SharePoint server versions except SP 2010 server.

In the code sample, I have updated the ‘Modified User’ and ‘Modified Date’ field of a SharePoint document.

The code block for this is as mentioned below,

  1. using System;  
  2. using System.Security;  
  3. using System.Collections.Generic;  
  4. using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;  
  5. namespace ConsoleApp1 {  
  6.     class Program {  
  7.         static void Main(string[] args) {  
  8.             List list = null;  
  9.             Web web = null;  
  10.             User modifiedBy = null;  
  11.             ListItem item = null;  
  12.             ClientContext context = null;  
  13.             ListItemCollection itemCollection = null;  
  14.             SecureString pswd = new SecureString();  
  15.             string userName = string.Empty;  
  16.             string password = string.Empty;  
  17.             string webUrl = string.Empty;  
  18.             string modifiedDate = string.Empty;  
  19.             try {  
  20.                 // Site Url to scan  
  21.                 webUrl = "https://SiteUrl";  
  22.                 using(context = new ClientContext(webUrl)) {  
  23.                     userName = "UserName";  
  24.                     password = "Password";  
  25.                     foreach(char c in password.ToCharArray())  
  26.                     pswd.AppendChar(c);  
  27.                     // Setting credential for the above site  
  28.                     context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, pswd);  
  29.                     web = context.Web;  
  30.                     context.Load(web, w => w.ServerRelativeUrl, w => w.Id, w => w.CurrentUser);  
  31.                     context.ExecuteQuery();  
  32.                     // Getting list by Title  
  33.                     list = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Documents");  
  34.                     context.Load(list, L => L.Id);  
  35.                     // Getting all items from selected list using caml query  
  36.                     itemCollection = list.GetItems(CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery());  
  37.                     //Loading selected list items  
  38.                     context.Load(itemCollection, IC => IC.Include(I => I.Id, I => I.DisplayName, I => I.File, I => I.File.ServerRelativeUrl));  
  39.                     context.ExecuteQuery();  
  40.                     // The modified date will be changed to below date after the excuted successfully  
  41.                     modifiedDate = "20/01/2019";  
  42.                     // The modified user will be changed to current user after the code excuted successfully  
  43.                     modifiedBy = web.CurrentUser;  
  44.                     // Looping each item  
  45.                     if (itemCollection != null && itemCollection.Count > 0) {  
  46.                         for (int iCount = 0; iCount < itemCollection.Count; iCount++) {  
  47.                             try {  
  48.                                 //getting individual list item from item collection  
  49.                                 item = itemCollection[iCount];  
  50.                                 var listItemFormUpdateValueColl = new List < ListItemFormUpdateValue > ();  
  51.                                 ListItemFormUpdateValue listItemFormUpdateValue = new ListItemFormUpdateValue();  
  52.                                 listItemFormUpdateValue.FieldName = "Modified";  
  53.                                 listItemFormUpdateValue.FieldValue = modifiedDate.ToString();  
  54.                                 listItemFormUpdateValueColl.Add(listItemFormUpdateValue);  
  55.                                 item["Editor"] = modifiedBy.Id;  
  56.                                 listItemFormUpdateValue = new ListItemFormUpdateValue();  
  57.                                 listItemFormUpdateValue.FieldName = "Modified_x0020_By";  
  58.                                 listItemFormUpdateValue.FieldValue = modifiedBy.Id.ToString();  
  59.                                 listItemFormUpdateValueColl.Add(listItemFormUpdateValue);  
  60.                                 // This method will update the ListItem properties without increasing file version  
  61.                                 item.ValidateUpdateListItem(listItemFormUpdateValueColl, true"");  
  62.                                 context.ExecuteQuery();  
  63.                             } catch (Exception ex) {}  
  64.                             break;  
  65.                         }  
  66.                     }  
  67.                 }  
  68.             } catch (Exception ex) {}  
  69.         }  
  70.     }  
  71. }  

After executing the above code, we can find that the ‘Modified User’ and ‘Modified Date’ field value is updated but the Document/File version remains the same as it was before being updated.

In the below screenshot you can verify the difference.

Before Update
Update A SharePoint Listitem Without Increasing Its Item File Version Using SharePoint Client Side Model(CSOM)
After Update
Update A SharePoint Listitem Without Increasing Its Item File Version Using SharePoint Client Side Model(CSOM)
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