Techniques To Serialize data in C#

Several Techniques to serialize in .net 

  1. Using Formatters
  2. using  XmlSerialization
  3. Implementing IXmlSerializable Interface ( will do in Later) 

1. Formatters

We can use BinaryFormatter and SoapFormatter provided in the following libs

using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap; 

Both work in same pattern to Serialize and Desrialize an Object. The Difference is Object Serialized/ Desierializtion by BinarryFormatter is only usefull between .Net Compliant Platforms, while Objects Serialized by SoapFormatter are Accessible by most Platforms and tools. 


Keep in mind Following: 

  1. Class to be Serilized must be specified as public.
  2. The member need to be Serialized should also be public
  3. provide a parameteless constructor 

We often need to Control Serilization of an object into an XML Format

System.Xml.Serialization provided us with several attributes to do this such as

  • XmlAttribute
  • XmlAttribute
  • XmlIgnore
  • XmlEnum 

And many more for eg if we want XmlSerializer not to Serialize a method, following Attibute helps

public bool shipDateSpecified {
    get {
        return this.shipDateFieldSpecified;
    set {
        this.shipDateFieldSpecified = value;

We may also Use XmlSchhema Defination Tool provided with framwork to generate class Which Conforns to our requiremnts or “Schema” 

And then simply Serialize those classes. 

Follow these Steps: 

Go To VS Command Prompt from Tools Menu. If you don’t have one Follow this Top Post By Matthew Cochran  

Running the command prompt from visual studio tools menu


  1. Create Schema “xsd” file or get one you need your classes to conforn to.
  2. open Command Prompt
  3. Type: xsd.exe filePath  /classes / languages:[ CS|VB ] 

For eg 

Xsd c:/FolderA/Schemas/mySchema.xsd  /classes/languages:CS 

  1. Open the class generated by the tool and add it in your project
  2. Declare the Object of that class
  3. Populate class members as you like them
  4. Call XmlSerialize.Serialize method

that’s it  job done

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap; 

namespace SerializationSample
    class Item : IDeserializationCallback
        string name;
        int unitPrice;
        int quantity; 
        int invoice;
        [OptionalField, NonSerialized]
        int salesTax; 
        public Item(string _name, int _unitPrice, int _quantity)
            name = _name;
            unitPrice = _unitPrice;
            quantity = _quantity;
            invoice = quantity * unitPrice;
            salesTax = (invoice / 100) * 15;
        public override string ToString()
            return "Name: " + name + " " + unitPrice + " * " + quantity + " --- " + invoice + "  Sales TAX: " + salesTax;
        #region IDeserializationCallback Members
        public void OnDeserialization(object sender)
            invoice = unitPrice * quantity;
            salesTax = (invoice / 100) * 15;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;
using System.Xml.Serialization; 
namespace SerializationSample
    class Program
        public static void SerializeUsingBinFormatter(Item item)
            // file path to serialize object
            string filePath = @"E:\PracticeFiles\ch4\BinFile.bin";
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create); 
            // declare binaryFormatter Object
            BinaryFormatter bFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); 
            // Call Serialize, provide stream object and object to serialaize
            bFormatter.Serialize(fs, item);
        public static Item DeSerializeUsingBinFormatter()
            // file path to deserialize object
            string filePath = @"E:\PracticeFiles\ch4\BinFile.bin";
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
            // declare binaryFormatter Object 
            BinaryFormatter bFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            // provide stream to deserialize and Cast the result to appropriate object
            Item result = (Item)bFormatter.Deserialize(fs); 
            return result;
        public static void SerializeUsingSoapFormatter(Item item)
            // file path to serialize object
            string filePath = @"E:\PracticeFiles\ch4\BinFile.bin";
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create); 
            SoapFormatter sFormatter = new SoapFormatter();
            sFormatter.Serialize(fs, item);
        public static Item DeSerializeUsingSoapFormatter()
            // file path to deserialize object
            string filePath = @"E:\PracticeFiles\ch4\BinFile.bin";
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
            SoapFormatter sFormatter = new SoapFormatter();
            // provide stream to deserialize and Cast the result to appropriate object
            Item result = (Item)sFormatter.Deserialize(fs); 
            return result;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Serialize using Binnary Formatter
            SerializeUsingBinFormatter(new Item("ObjectBinarySerializable", 5, 2));
            //Deserialize using Binary Formatter
            // Serialize using Soap Formatter
            SerializeUsingSoapFormatter(new Item("ObjectSoapSerializable", 1111, 11));
            //Deserialize using Soap Formatter
             * Custom Serialization using  XmlSerialization
             * PurchaseOrderType is the main class, consists 
             * of other object as
             * billTo of Type USAddress, 
             * shipTo of Type USAddress,
             * string comment,
             * array of Type ItemsItem
             * */
            // See class USAddress
            USAddress address = new USAddress();
   = "PW";
   = "US";
   = "asad";
            address.state = "LA";
            address.street = "123 lousiana close";
   = 22010;
            string comment = "No comments";
            ItemsItem Oitem = new ItemsItem();
            Oitem.comment = "no comment";
            Oitem.partNum = "678";
            Oitem.productName = "mouse";
            Oitem.quantity = "2";
            Oitem.USPrice = 30;
            ItemsItem[] itemArray = { Oitem }; 
            // See class PurchaseOrderType
            PurchaseOrderType pot = new PurchaseOrderType();
            pot.shipTo = address;
            pot.billTo = address;
            pot.comment = comment;
            pot.items = itemArray;
            pot.orderDate = DateTime.Now;
            pot.orderDateSpecified = true; 
            // Create FileStream
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"E:\PracticeFiles\ch4\purchaseorder1.xml", FileMode.Create); 
            // Create XmlSerializer Object 
            XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PurchaseOrderType));
            xs.Serialize(fs, pot);        
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