Techniques to Optimize EF Queries in .NET Core


Efficient database queries are paramount for the performance of any application, and Entity Framework (EF) is a powerful ORM tool in the .NET Core ecosystem.

In this blog, we'll explore techniques to optimize EF queries, ensuring that your data access layer performs at its best. We'll walk through real-world examples using C# code snippets to illustrate each optimization technique.

Entity Framework (EF) Overview

Entity Framework is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for .NET Core that enables developers to interact with databases using .NET objects.

Why Optimize EF Queries?

Optimizing EF queries is crucial for improving the performance of your application. By minimizing database roundtrips, reducing redundant data retrieval, and enhancing query execution efficiency, you can achieve significant gains in application speed and resource utilization.

Optimization Techniques

1. Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a feature that allows EF to automatically load related entities when accessed. However, it can lead to the N+1 query problem, resulting in numerous database queries. Explicitly include related data to avoid this.

// Without Explicit Loading
var orders = dbContext.Customers.Select(c => c.Orders).ToList();

// With Explicit Loading
var customers = dbContext.Customers.ToList();
dbContext.Entry(customers).Collection(c => c.Orders).Load();

2. Eager Loading

Eager loading involves fetching related entities along with the main entity in a single query, preventing additional roundtrips. Use Include to specify related entities.

var customersWithOrders = dbContext.Customers.Include(c => c.Orders).ToList();

3. Projection

Only retrieve the data you need by projecting the result into a DTO (Data Transfer Object) or an anonymous type. This reduces the amount of data fetched from the database.

var customerNames = dbContext.Customers.Select(c => new { c.FirstName, c.LastName }).ToList();

4. Batching

Batching involves fetching data in chunks rather than retrieving the entire result set in one go. This can be useful for scenarios where you're dealing with a large dataset.

var batchSize = 100;
var pageCount = dbContext.Products.Count() / batchSize;

for (var i = 0; i < pageCount; i++)
    var productsBatch = dbContext.Products.Skip(i * batchSize).Take(batchSize).ToList();
    // Process the batch

5. Compiled Queries

Compiled queries are pre-compiled and stored for reuse. They can improve performance by eliminating the overhead of query compilation.

private static readonly Func<MyDbContext, int, IQueryable<Product>> GetProductsByCategory =
    EF.CompileQuery((MyDbContext context, int categoryId) =>
        context.Products.Where(p => p.CategoryId == categoryId));

var categoryId = 1;
var products = GetProductsByCategory(dbContext, categoryId).ToList();

Real-World Examples

Example 1. Retrieving Top N Records

// Without optimization
var allProducts = dbContext.Products.ToList();
var topProducts = allProducts.Take(10).ToList();

// With optimization
var topProductsOptimized = dbContext.Products.Take(10).ToList();

Example 2. Filtering by Date Range

// Without optimization
var allOrders = dbContext.Orders.ToList();
var ordersInDateRange = allOrders.Where(o => o.OrderDate >= startDate && o.OrderDate <= endDate).ToList();

// With optimization
var ordersInDateRangeOptimized = dbContext.Orders
    .Where(o => o.OrderDate >= startDate && o.OrderDate <= endDate)


Optimizing EF queries is an essential aspect of building high-performance applications. By employing techniques such as lazy loading, eager loading, projection, batching, and compiled queries, developers can strike a balance between data retrieval efficiency and application responsiveness. Real-world examples highlight the practical application of these techniques, showcasing their impact on query performance.

As you embark on the journey of building data-intensive applications with EF in .NET Core, remember that a performance-driven approach to query optimization can significantly enhance the user experience and overall efficiency of your application.

Happy coding!

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