Introduced in SQL Server 2005, TABLESAMPLE allows you to extract a sampling of rows from a table in the FROM clause. The rows retrieved are random and they are not in any order. This sampling can be based on a percentage of number of rows. You can use TABLESAMPLE when only a sampling of rows is necessary for the application instead of a full result set.
If you run above script many times you will notice that different numbers of rows are returned every time. Without any data changing, re-running the identical query keeps giving different results. This is non -deterministic factor of TABLESAMEPLE clause. If table is static and rows are not changed what could be the reason to return different numbers of the rows to return in each execution. The factor is 10 PERCENT is not the percentages of the table rows or tables records, it is percentages of the table’s data pages. Once the sample pages of data selected, all the rows from the selected pages are returned, it will not limit the number of rows sampled from that page. Fill factor of all the pages varies depends on the data of the table. This makes script to return different row count in result set every time it is executed. The REPEATABLE option causes a selected sample to be returned again. When REPEATABLE is specified with the same repeat_seed value, SQL Server returns the same subset of rows, as long as no changes have been made to the table. When REPEATABLE is specified with a different repeat_seed value, SQL Server will typically return a different sample of the rows in the table.