SQL aggregate functions return a single value, calculated from the values in a column. Aggregate functions are used to compute against a returned column of the numeric data from your SELECT statement.
Aggregate Functions
Consider the following table design as an example.
1. AVG(): This function computes the average of the values in the column
Ex. Select AVG(marks) from stud
O/P : 58
2. SUM(): This function computes the sum of the values in the column
Ex. Select SUM(marks) from stud
: 235
3. MIN(): This function returns the minimum value from the values in the column
Ex. Select MIN(marks) from stud
O/P : 50
4. MAX(): This function returns the maximum value from the values in the column
Ex. Select MAX(marks) from stud
5. COUNT(): This function returns the number of rows
Ex. Select COUNT(*) from stud