Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form


Hi guys, let's try to explore an amazing way to build a modern MS form with it's associated power automation flow that can send a copy of the performance evaluated filled form both to the employee and his/her manager.
Here are the steps to proceed to complete the above application.
Go to >> Create a form >>  Add all the respective fields with choices, inputs required >> Order them accordingly >> Add a suitable theme as shown below:
Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS FormSmart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form
Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form 
Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form 
Go to settings >> Mark the below options mentioned and complete them.
Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form 
Go to the share option >> Use the below steps as mentioned in the below snaps.
Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form 
 Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form
Go to >> Create a flow by selecting when a new form is submitted template >>  
Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form 
 Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form
Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form 
The manager can check the response from using results option or export / open in Excel for more results to check.
Smart Way To Develop A One-One Assessment MS Form 
Employees will get an automated flow mail regarding this above MS form with all the details submitted by his/her manager to have a quick look at it.
We can reuse above ms forms with flow solution to other managers for an easy-going super amazing performance/feedback filling form report for both internal auditing and also for appraisal requirements.
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