Smart Way To Call Another Power Shell Script Inside A Script


Hi guys, let's explore a smart way to call another Power Shell script inside a script.
Let my given script be a test.ps1 which only does some write-host that prints some statement.
Now I'm adding one more line that calls a PowerShell script to execute.
Write-Host "Hello World!";
Write-Host "Invoking or Calling another PnP PS Script";
Powershell .\CreateFolder_PnP
The above CreateFolder_PnP script is shown below:
  1. #Config Variables  
  2. $SharePointSiteURL = "#######################"  
  3. $FolderName = "Extra Folderss"  
  4. $RelativeURL = "/Reports Archive"  
  5. #Relative URL of the Parent Folder  
  6. Try {  
  7.     #Connect to PnP Online  
  8.     # Connect - PnPOnline - Url $SharePointSiteURL - CurrentCredentials  
  9.     Connect - PnPOnline - Url $SharePointSiteURL - UseWebLogin  
  10.     # sharepoint online create folder powershell  
  11.     Add - PnPFolder - Name $FolderName - Folder $RelativeURL - ErrorAction Stop  
  12.     Write - host - f Green "New Folder '$FolderName' Added!"  
  13. catch {  
  14.     write - host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" - foregroundcolor Red  
  15. }  


We can automate the above process to call any kind of verified, tested PS scripts from a master PS script file and run it across a CMD, Windows ISE, PowerShellManagement Shell Tool, or Azure PS Runbook, and implement scheduled timer automated web jobs also established using the above simple process.
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