SharePoint Tutorial - Day One

In this series of blog posts, we will learn SharePoint from scratch. In this first part, we will build our first SharePoint application. 
To create your first SharePoint application, first of all, we need to log in to our SharePoint Central Administrator. Once you log in, you will be redirected to the below-shown home page.
Follow the steps to create the web application.

Under "Application Mangement", click on the "Manage web applications" link. 

On the next window, click on the "New" tab. This will pop up with the following window.

Just give the name to your website and remember not to change the autogenerated port number. The rest of the configuration can be changed, like database name if required; else keep them as intact and click OK.

Once the IIS website is created successfully, you can create the site collection form the link generated under the successful message. Else, go to the Application Management on the Central administrator again and create a new site collection.

Under "Create site collection", you need to choose your web application. Select the "Team site" under Template selection.

Fill up the primary and secondary site collection administrator details and keep the quota as no quota respectively followed by a click on OK. 

Your new site is ready..... :) 
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