SharePoint Spaces - How To Enable/Activate Spaces

Let's take a deep dive into a detailed blog about SharePoint Spaces, how you can activate this for your tenant, and many more things.

What is SharePoint Spaces?

Microsoft defines SharePoint Spaces as, “a web-based, immersive platform, which allows you to create and share, secure and extensible mixed reality experiences.”
In simple terms, SharePoint Space is a space built on an existing site wherein you can add web parts like 3D Images, 360-degree videos, 360-degree Images, 3D objects to give users a 3D immersive experience, and many more OOTB web parts.
(It is recommended to use the Communication site, but you can add in Team site as well.)
First things first: how to enable/activate SharePoint spaces for your tenant.
To enable SharePoint Spaces, follow these steps:
Choose any of the existing communication sites or create a new communication site if you don’t have one,
  • Select Site Information -> Site Settings -> Site Actions, Select Manage site Features
SharePoint Spaces
Fig 1.1
  • In Manage site features, look for the Spaces (Preview) option and click on Activate to enable Spaces for your site.
SharePoint Spaces
Fig 1.2
  • Now, go to your home page, and click on “+New”, you will see, Spaces (Preview) enabled for your site collection and ready to create a new Space experience.
SharePoint Spaces
I hope all you SharePoint enthusiasts now know what SharePoint Spaces is and how to activate this for your site collection.
Stay tuned, for Blog Series 2 on creating a SharePoint space with all the OOTB web parts and how you can leverage this functionality for various use-cases.
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