SharePoint List Column Updated As An Owner User Field Type


Hi guys, let's discuss an amazing way for a SharePoint List Column to be updated as an Owner Column User Field Type via PowerShell scripting.
It's used after a quick export all the Excel sheet based records onto a SharePoint List with different type of field types.
But what if the Title column has values which have to be converted to the User field property?
The discussed approach is only applicable on an SP On-Prem site collection! 
Windows PowerShell ISE should be installed on the system.
Install the SharePoint Client DLLs after downloading them in some respective paths and mention them in the PS code as shown below.
Valid login details need to be hard coded in the last UserName, Password section in order to run the script without giving the login details at the run time and achieve a seamless program running. 
PowerShell script
  1. #reference the SharePoint Client DLLs  
  2. Add - Type - Path ".\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll" | Out - Null  
  3. Add - Type - Path ".\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll" | Out - Null  
  4. #Add - Type - Path "C:\Users\123594\Documents\Veera Kaveri\BoxUpdate\BoxUpdate\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll" | Out - Null  
  5. #Add - Type - Path "C:\Users\123594\Documents\Veera Kaveri\BoxUpdate\BoxUpdate\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll" | Out - Null  
  7. function Get - SPOSites {  
  8.     Param(  
  9.         [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext] $Context,  
  10.         [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web] $RootWeb)  
  11.     #Create array variable to store data  
  12.     # $siteitems = $null  
  13.     #$siteitems = @()  
  14.     $RunDateTime = Get - Date - Format G  
  15.     #get all webs under root web  
  16.     $Webs = $RootWeb.Webs  
  17.     $Context.Load($Webs)  
  18.     $Context.ExecuteQuery()  
  19.     #loop through the webs  
  20.     ForEach($sWeb in $Webs) {  
  21.             Write - Host $sWeb.url  
  22.             #Create array variable to store data  
  23.             $siteitems = $null  
  24.             $siteUrl = $sWeb.Url;  
  25.             #if($siteUrl - Match '') {  
  26.                 #if($siteUrl - match '') {  
  27.                     if ($siteUrl - match '') {  
  28.                         #get all lists in web  
  29.                         $AllLists = $sWeb.Lists  
  30.                         $Context.Load($AllLists)  
  31.                         $Context.ExecuteQuery()  
  32.                         #loop through all lists in web  
  33.                         ForEach($list in $AllLists) {  
  34.                             Write - Host List: $list.Title  
  35.                             #get list title  
  36.                             $listTitle = $list.Title;  
  37.                             If($listTitle - eq '3rdpartytosample_test') {  
  38.                                 $itemPosition = $null  
  39.                                 $Count = 0;  
  40.                                 Do {  
  41.                                     $camlQuery = New - Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery  
  42.                                     $camlQuery.ViewXml = '<View Scope="RecursiveAll"><RowLimit Paged="TRUE">1000</RowLimit></View>'  
  43.                                     $camlQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = $itemPosition;  
  44.                                     $AllItems = $list.GetItems($camlQuery)  
  45.                                     $Context.Load($AllItems)  
  46.                                     $Context.ExecuteQuery()  
  47.                                     $itemPosition = $AllItems.ListItemCollectionPosition;  
  48.                                     Write - Host itemPosition: $itemPosition  
  49.                                     If($AllItems.Count - gt 0) {  
  50.                                         ForEach($item in $AllItems) {  
  51.                                             #use internal name  
  52.                                             $userEmail = $item["Title"]  
  53.                                             if ($userEmail - match '') {  
  54.                                                 $userEmail = $userEmail.Replace('''')  
  55.                                                 $userEmail = $userEmail.Replace('''')  
  56.                                                 $userEmail = $userEmail.Replace('''')  
  57.                                                 $userEmail = $userEmail.Replace('''')  
  58.                                                 $User = $Context.Web.EnsureUser($userEmail);  
  59.                                                 $Context.Load($user);  
  60.                                                 $item["Owner"] = $User;  
  61.                                                 $item.Update();  
  62.                                                 $Context.ExecuteQuery()  
  63.                                             }  
  64.                                         }  
  65.                                         #end loop  
  66.                                         for all items in list  
  67.                                     }  
  68.                                     #check  
  69.                                     if item count is > 0  
  70.                                 }  
  71.                                 While($itemPosition - ne $null)  
  72.                             }  
  73.                             #check  
  74.                             if it is a 'do not inventory'  
  75.                             list  
  76.                         }  
  77.                         #end loop  
  78.                         for all lists in site  
  79.                     }  
  80.                     Get - SPOSites - RootWeb $sWeb - Context $Context #recursive call  
  81.                 }  
  82.                 #end loop  
  83.                 for all sites in site collection  
  84.             }  
  85.             #Set parameter values  
  86.             $SiteURL = ""  
  87.             #$LibraryName = "Documents"  
  88.             $UserName = "###########"  
  89.             $PassWord = "############"  
  90.             $securePassword = ConvertTo - SecureString $PassWord - AsPlainText - Force  
  91.             $spoCred = New - Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($UserName, $securePassword)  
  92.             #Setup the context  
  93.             $ctx = New - Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL)  
  94.             $ctx.Credentials = $spoCred  
  95.             $Web = $ctx.Web  
  96.             $ctx.Load($Web)  
  97.             $ctx.ExecuteQuery()  
  98.             Get - SPOSites - RootWeb $Web - Context $ctx  
Enter your respective details wherever highlighted or required in the above PowerShell script.
Once the above process is finished we can re-use that User field property converted Ttile column to use in many kind of List views.
We can also use the same List column for Filtering, Sorting options on all the custom List views wherever required.
Finally, we got an important way to run PowerShell script to make a given SharePoint List column to be updated as an Owner Column User Field Type via PowerShell scripting...
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