Specify the default database server (Direct Link /_admin/defaultcontentdb.aspx)
When you click on specify the default database Server link, you will be landed on default Database Server page. This page will allow you to configure/ change the default database Server for SharePoint Farm.
You are on the default database Server page (Central Admin > Application management > Under Database. Specify the default database Server).
Use this page to set the default content database Server. When you create new or extend the existing Web Applications, the content databases for those Web Applications are created on the default content database Server, unless you specify a different Server. This database Server will be used as default (unless you mention different) for all the Service Applications creation / creating new database etc.
By default, when you create a new SharePoint, the database Server is used for creating the configuration database, which is set as the default database Server. This setting is really helpful when you want to create new database for the new database Server, so as to balance the load and manage the growth of SharePoint content.
The information is given below, which is required to change the default database Server.
- Database Server Name- Name of SQL Server.
- Account Domain\user account- It will be used to connect to SQL Server. You can use SQL account as well but it is not recommended.
- Password- Password of the provided account.
After entering the Required Information Click Ok.
Note- It is highly recommended to not to use SQL authentication, as there is the limitation of it. If you leave the account and password field blank, then it automatically picks the Windows authentication and use the Farm admin account to connect to it.
See Also
- SharePoint 2016 Central Admin –Application Management – Configure Data Retrieval Service