Selenium Manager


In this blog, we will understand the new feature of Selenium Manager.

In November 2022, Selenium introduced a new feature called Selenium Manager in version 4.6.0.

Let us understand in what way this feature will be helpful for Automation Testers.

Automation Testers used the below two ways to launch the Browser Instances

Using the Set Property method

  • First, make use of setproperty method and set the driver path.

Then create the instance of webdriver.

System.setProperty("","<chromedriver path>");
Webdriver driver=new chromedriver();

Using Webdrivermanager dependency

  • Add the Webdrivermanager dependency in pom.xml file
  • The below line
    • WebdriverManager.chromeDriver().setup() will download the chromedriver and will setup the path for the chromedriver automatically.
  • Then create the instance of Webdriver.
Webdriver driver=new chromedriver();

But now we don't need to use these above two ways,

The below statement will itself create the instance of the browser.

Webdriver driver=new chromedriver();

Selenium Manager is a new tool that helps to get a working environment to run Selenium out of the box. 

Beta 1 version of Selenium Manager will configure the browser drivers for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge if they are not present on the PATH.

In order to use this feature, then you need to use selenium version 4.6.0 in your Test automation project.


This blog will be helpful for the Testers who are using Selenium Test automation tool.

Hope everyone is aware of this feature as well.


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