Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell


In SharePoint, the list templates provide re-usability of columns without recreating it on every single site. For e.g. I have created a custom list which name is Project, in a SharePoint site collection with all relevant columns, Now I want this list structure in other site collections, without recreating the list on every single site.

Steps to save a list or library as a template

Go to a SharePoint list, then navigate to list settings present under the list tab on the ribbon and then click on List Settings.
Click on Save list as Template under Permissions and Management group.
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
Provide template Filename and Template name. If you want to include the content, then select the check box, Click Ok
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
Click OK on the success page.
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell

How to download the list template

Step 1
Go to site setting, Click on List Templates under web Designers and Gallery.
Step 2
Click on Upload Document on the Files tab, then browse your file i.e-Demo.stop
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
You can also save the list template to your site by using PowerShell script,
  1. try {  
  2.     Add - Type - Path "..\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"  
  3.     Add - Type - Path "..\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"  
  4.     $SiteUrl = Read - Host "Enter the SiteUrl"  
  5.     $UserName = Read - Host "Enter the username"  
  6.     $Password = Read - Host - AsSecureString Password  
  7.     $ctx = New - Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($siteUrl)  
  8.     $Credentials = New - Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName, $Password)  
  9.     $ctx.Credentials = $credentials  
  10.     $Web = $Ctx.Web  
  11.     $site = $Ctx.Site  
  12.     $ctx.Load($web)  
  13.     $ctx.Load($site)  
  14.     $ctx.ExecuteQuery()  
  15.     $ListName = Read - Host "Enter the List Name"  
  16.     $list = $Ctx.Web.lists.GetByTitle($ListName)  
  17.     $FileName = Read - Host "Enter the File Name"  
  18.     $TemplateName = Read - Host "Enter the Template Name"  
  19.     $list.SaveAsTemplate($FileName, $TemplateName, "list template description", $true)  
  20.     $ctx.ExecuteQuery()  
  21.     Write - Host - ForegroundColor Green "Successfully save the list Template."  
  22.     sleep 10  
  23. catch {  
  24.     Write - Host - ForegroundColor Red 'Error '':'  
  25.     $Error[0].ToString();  
  26.     sleep 10  
  27. }  
Follow the below screenshot and enter the values into the parameters accordingly. Then you can get a successful message.
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell

How to upload list template to another site

step 1
Go to site setting, Click on List Templates under web Designers and Gallery.
Step 2
Click on Upload Document in the Files tab, Then browse your file i.e-Demo.stp
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell 
Step 3
Save the list template.
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell 
Step 4
Go to Site contents, Click on New then select App.
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
Step 5
Select your template.
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
Step 6
Provide a list Name.
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
Step 7
Now your list added to the site successfully.
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
You can also add the list template to your site by using PowerShell script,
  1. try {  
  2.     Add - Type - Path "..\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"  
  3.     Add - Type - Path "..\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"  
  4.     $SiteUrl = Read - Host "Enter the SiteUrl"  
  5.     $UserName = Read - Host "Enter the username"  
  6.     $Password = Read - Host - AsSecureString Password  
  7.     $ctx = New - Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($siteUrl)  
  8.     $Credentials = New - Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName, $Password)  
  9.     $ctx.Credentials = $credentials  
  10.     $Web = $ctx.Web  
  11.     $site = $ctx.Site  
  12.     $ctx.Load($web)  
  13.     $ctx.Load($site)  
  14.     $ctx.ExecuteQuery()  
  15.     $Template = $site.GetCustomListTemplates($Web)  
  16.     $Lists = $ctx.Web.Lists  
  17.     $ctx.Load($Lists)  
  18.     $ctx.Load($Template)  
  19.     $ctx.ExecuteQuery()  
  20.     $TemplateName = Read - Host "Enter the Template Name"  
  21.     $ListName = Read - Host "Enter the List Name"  
  22.     $ListTemplate = $Template | where {  
  23.         $_.Name - eq $TemplateName  
  24.     }  
  25.     $List = $Lists | where {  
  26.         $_.Title - eq $ListName  
  27.     }  
  28.     If($List - eq $Null) {  
  29.         $ListCreation = New - Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListCreationInformation  
  30.         $ListCreation.Title = $ListName  
  31.         $ListCreation.ListTemplate = $ListTemplate  
  32.         $List = $Lists.Add($ListCreation)  
  33.         $ctx.ExecuteQuery()  
  34.     }  
  35.     Write - Host - ForegroundColor Green "Successfully Add the list."  
  36.     sleep 10  
  37. catch {  
  38.     Write - Host - ForegroundColor Red 'Error '':'  
  39.     $Error[0].ToString();  
  40.     sleep 10  
  41. }  
Follow the below screenshot and enter the values for the parameters accordingly. Then you can get a successful message.
Save A List As Template In SharePoint Online Using PowerShell
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