It’s always fun as well as frustration at times working with DateTime in C#.
While working with one of the application, I had a requirement to remove the trailing AM/PM from time string which we were reading from as .csv file.
If anyone out there with similar requirement, he/she can straight away refer to this post and no need to think on writing the logic. So thought of sharing it.
![Remove AM PM from Time String using CSharp]()
Remove AM PM from Time String using C#
CSV File:
Check in Time
9:00:00 AM
2:30:00 PM
Code Snippets:
Function to read data from input file:
- public void ReadDataFromFile(string fileName)
- {
- string Name;
- DateTime DOJ;
- var contents = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName).Split('\n');
- var csv = from line in contents
- select line.Split(',').ToArray();
- int headerRows = 1;
- foreach (var row in csv.Skip(headerRows)
- .TakeWhile(r => r.Length > 1 && r.Last().Trim().Length > 0))
- {
- Name = row[0];
- DOJ = Convert.ToDateTime(row[1]) + TimeSpan.Parse(FormatTime(row[2]));
- }
- }
Function to format time by stripping out AM/PM string:
- protected string FormatTime(string inputTime)
- {
- string outputTime = string.Empty;
- string timeFormat = inputTime.Substring(inputTime.Length - 2);
- switch (timeFormat)
- {
- case ("AM"):
- outputTime = inputTime.Replace("AM", "");
- break;
- case ("PM"):
- int hours = 0;
- int.TryParse(inputTime.Replace("PM", ""), out hours);
- outputTime = (hours + 12).ToString();
- break;
- }
- return outputTime;
- }
Hope this post was useful and saved your time.
What do you think?
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