Quick Overview of HTTP Reponse Status Codes

In our previous article, we have seen what happens when the client sends a request to the server. In this article, let's review some of the status error codes in the Response object.
The first thing in the response object are status codes, this is a simple number that represents what was done in the server.
In this article, let see how many status codes are present for the operational result.
100-199 are information status codes, we rarely see these codes but they do exist.
200-299: These are the most common codes we see in daily life. these status returns a success message as shown below:
  • 200 is the most common which says that everything is ok and everything is done as requested.
  • 201 says that the requested resource was created the server.
  • 204 returns no content, which is common when we are updating anything.
300-399 are typically used where there is redirection involved.
400-499 stands for client errors. These error occurrences depend on the way we made the request. For example, if we do not include some part of the URI, or the simple URI doesn't exist.
Now, the famous one that you would have seen on Web is 404, which represents not found.
400 stands for a bad request, which is when something in the request is not as expected.
The last error codes are 500-599, these are the errors where the server has encountered something wrong, it's the server fault error codes.
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