Live Power BI Dashboard DataSource Change


In this blog, we can see how to change the SharePoint on-Premises data source to SharePoint Online of a Live Power Bi Dashboard. A few days back when an internal SharePoint migration occurs within my organization then we face some major challenges in Power BI Dashboard. My purpose is how to overcome these challenges we can see in this blog step by step

When SharePoint migration occurs first thing that happens is failure of Schedule refresh of Dashboard,

Data showing in the dashboard, is not up to date, due to a change in the broken SharePoint URL which is used in the report.

Step 1

Open .pbix file in Power BI Desktop

Go to -> Transform Data -> Power Query editor mode -> Select Query

Step 2

Applied steps - Select Source Gear icon

Live Power Bi Dashboard DataSource change

Replace the existing URL with migrated SharePoint Online URL & click OK.

This will take a few minutes to refresh the power query. If your data source is large then it will take more than 5 minutes.

Step 3

You can see the Navigation steps throwing an error

[Expression.Error: The key didn't match any rows in the table.

The error states that the existing list GUID is not matching with updated SharePoint data source

To overcome this bizarre error do the next step carefully

Step 4

Go to the Last step -> Source -> Select table in query

Identify the table used in the old data source, select the same table in the new data source & copy its id which is an alphanumeric key

Step 5

Go to Navigation step just replace copied ID with the = Source {[ID = “ABA213423-addsasd”]}[Items]

Live Power Bi Dashboard DataSource change


Power query refresh the data source if you did the above steps carefully then surely you will not face any error, hence Refresh all the queries SAVE & Publish the dashboard.


This is how we can change the Live Power BI dashboards to migrated SharePoint data source, schedule refresh will work as it is if there is not any change required if you selected the Organization account in Data source settings.

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