Pass Data Using WebAPI In C# Windows Forms

Here, I have described the simplest way to create a Web API POST method in a Windows application using C#.

First, we have to create a Web API POST method where we pass the data as a string.

In this method, we will use the HttpWebRequest object to get or post the data from the URL.

Use the below namespaces.

using System;  
using System.IO;  
using System.Net;  
using System.Text;  

Now, let us create the POST method.

public class WebPostMethod
    public string Post(string postData, string URL)
        string responseFromServer = "";
        WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(URL);
        request.Method = "POST";
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        request.ContentLength = postData.Length;
        using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
            stream.Write(postData.ToUtf8Bytes(), 0, postData.Length);

        WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
        using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
            responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();

        return responseFromServer;

Here, we will create aWeb API GET method in Windows application using C#.

public class WebGetMethod
    public string Get(string URL)
        string jsonString = "";
        WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(URL);
        request.Method = "GET";
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        using (var response = request.GetResponse())
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                jsonString = reader.ReadToEnd();

        return jsonString;

Now, let's create the method to invoke the webPostMethod and webGetMethod.

public class CallWebServices
    public void Call()
        string postData = "user_id=25689&passwd=123456";
        string URL = "";
        var data = WebPostMethod.Post(postData, URL);

        var getData = WebGetMethod.Get(URL);

Here, we get the result as a JSON string.

I hope this is useful for all readers. Happy Coding!


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