One Drive For Personal Usage Overview


Let’s try to explore using a One Drive personal account and see the differences between a trial account used for free without any license vs E3 kind of License OR any other higher-level licenses.
Create an MS Account with any of the below domains:
  • Hotmail
  • Outlook
My Account is created as [email protected]
Once completed, please go here.
You will be automatically redirected to a Page to Upload all the Files/Folders/Photos for Self Usage or Sharing them to any other User Externally.
One Drive For Personal Usage Overview
I am doing a sample Upload of 3.3 GB and its Upload Speed limit is 3.3 GB / 5 mins ~ 0.66 GB/ min
Here is the Pricing Info.
One Drive For Personal Usage Overview 
My Trial Account has only 5 GB Limit for the Storage Limit.
Let’s check for an E3 License Account which has 1 TB Size Storage allowed, as shown below:
One Drive For Personal Usage Overview 
But it has a limitation. As you can see from the above error it’s not allowing us to upload a few empty folders/files which are video-based with unsupported extension.
However, it’s also accepting a few more video-based files with supported extensions.
Best Practice
Always select the direct root folder to upload rather than selecting individual files which might take more time in Uploading.
Always gather all your files upload them with your respective classifications under a root folder to upload them seamlessly and smoothly on your One Drive account.
Happy One Drive Use! Sharing is Caring!!
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