We found Nintex Menu not showing in the Site Actions SharePoint, After Nintex features activated on the same site. We have deactivated and reactivated the site collection feature and site features and still, nothing was happening. This issue exists for entire web Application
There is a workaround for this issue, we need to add safe control in web config file for respective web Application. We need to add the same in all web front end servers.
If we are searching on the internet, Nintex will suggest us to re-install or update the Nintex solution file.
Below are the simple steps to fix this issue in a minute,
Login to the server, open web config file for issued Web Application, make sure you have backup the existing Web config file.
Once web config file Search for Safe control (There will many searches for this keyword) just pull the page at end and get as per below screen shot,
Do the same for another server, App recycle may be required after this entry in the config file.
We can our result output like this,