New Interactive Elements in HTML5

New Interactive Elements in HTML5

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML, which was released at the end of 2009. HTML5 introduces a number of new elements and Attributes, Like AUDIO, VIDEO, and contentEditable, which allow you to create more interactive Web applications and websites. It includes new JavaScript APIs that allow you to perform various tasks such as drawing graphics on a webpage, storing data offline and dragging and dropping content.

New Elements in HTML5:

ARTICLE: Shows the independent entry of a blog or magazine.
AUDIO: Allows you to embed audio files on a web page.
ASIDE : Shows a note, a tip, a sidebar, a parenthetical mark.
BDI : Allows you to specify the non-left to right direction for asan text.
CANVAS: Provides a canvas on a webpage to draw graphics on it.
COMMAND: Stores a command to perform a task.
DATALIST : Shows a drop-down list.
DETAILS : Shows the details of an item besides its default information.
EMBED : Defines external interactive content or plugin-in
FIGCAPTION : Shows the caption of the FIGURE element.
FIGURE: Shows a group of Media elements.
FOOTER: Shows the footer of a page
HEADER: Shows the header of a page
HGROUP: Representing a group of headings in a document.
KEYGEN: A pair of Key for forms.
MARK: Shows highlighted text
MENU: Shows a menu bar on a web page.
METER: Displays the measurement of a number in a predefined range.
NAV: Shows a collection of links related to other Web pages.
OUTPUT: Specifies an element that is used to display output.
PROGRESS: shows the progress of an ongoing process
RP: Dictates the browsers to show the contest when they do not support the RUBY element.
RT: Shows the details of ruby annotation
RUBY: Shows the characters that define ruby annotation.
SECTION: Shows a section or a part of a book
SOURCE: Represents a media resource.
SUMMERY: Shows the summary of a DETAILS element.
TIME: Shows the Date and Time in a webpage.
VIDEO: Allows you to embed video in a web page.
WBR: Defines a possible line break that can be inserted in a text
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