Multiple Inheritance in C# Using Interfaces

Multiple Inheritance can be achieved in C# using Interfaces. This simple mathematical operation program demonstrates how multiple inheritance can be achieved in C# using Interface Concept.

using System;    
using System.Collections.Generic;    
using System.Linq;    
using System.Text;    
namespace MultipleInheritApplication    
    interface calc1    
        int add(int a, int b);    
    interface calc2    
        int sub(int x, int y);    
    interface calc3    
        int mul(int r, int s);    
    interface calc4    
        int div(int c, int d);    
    class Calculation : calc1, calc2, calc3, calc4    
        public int result1;    
        public int add(int a, int b)    
            return result1 = a + b;    
        public int result2;    
        public int sub(int x, int y)    
            return result2 = x - y;    
        public int result3;    
        public int mul(int r, int s)    
            return result3 = r * s;    
        public int result4;    
        public int div(int c, int d)    
            return result4 = c / d;    
        class Program    
            static void Main(string[] args)    
                Calculation c = new Calculation();    
                c.add(8, 2);    
                c.sub(20, 10);    
                c.mul(5, 2);    
                c.div(20, 10);    
                Console.WriteLine("Multiple Inheritance concept Using Interfaces :\n ");    
                Console.WriteLine("Addition: " + c.result1);    
                Console.WriteLine("Substraction: " + c.result2);    
                Console.WriteLine("Multiplication :" + c.result3);    
                Console.WriteLine("Division: " + c.result4);    

In the above code example, calc1, calc2, calc3, and calc4 are four interfaces. The Calculation class in inherited from four different interfaces and implements them. This is one way you can achieve multiple inheritance using interfaces in C#. 


multiple inheritance in C# 

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