Modifying SharePoint List Forms Using Power Apps

I am going to explain in this article how to modify your existing Share Point List forms using PowerApps.
  1. Share Point List
  2. PowerApps
Steps to customize the SharePoint List 
  1. Open the SharePoint List which you have created to use as a Form
  2. When you click on Power Apps, then select Customize Form, it will automatically create the form in PowerApps window which I have explained in my previous article here.
In case you don’t want to customize form, start with a new Form from scratch, then go back to SharePoint, click on the top left corner of the PowerApps Window.

Steps to change the Form Settings in Share Point

  • In Share Point, in a List, on the top of the gear on the page, click right there for Settings, then click List Settings.
  • Inside the List Settings down on the left-hand side of the General Settings click on Form Settings.
  • Inside the Form Settings you have the options like:
Here you can modify the form directly and can see versions & usage. 
  • Here I select "Use the Default Share Point Form" 
  • You can see an option "Delete the Custom Form" choose the option to start from Scratch.
  • Then Customize the Form from the Sharepoint List, the windows appears like

On the Center we can notice here the PreSet Form. In case a list undergoes substantial revisions sometimes it's easier just to delete the existing form and rebuild it when you have added a bunch of columns or removed a bunch of columns or changed the settings of a bunch of columns. 
On the left pane, the main object is Share Point Form, under the Form, there are several objects which are displayed on the right pane of the center. In the fields you can edit,  re-order and also delete if required. 
In my next article, I will explain how to work with PowerApps Form using different formulas. 
Thank you. 
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