Modern SharePoint Online Programming - Chapter Thirteen


Hi guys, let’s try to understand the easiest way to analyze a List/Library both in Classic and Modern Online SharePoint Environment only.
The following is a cool CSOM PS Script to analyse a List with, including its Item Count, Folder Count, etc. The same code can be used to analyse a Lib, including its Item Count, Files Count, Folder Count, etc.
  1. #Load SharePoint CSOM Assemblies  
  2. Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"  
  3. Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"  
  4. #Config Parameters  
  5. $SiteURL= ""  
  6. $ListName = "TestSupplyListPowerApp"  
  7. #Setup Credentials to connect  
  8. $Cred = Get-Credential  
  9. Try {  
  10.    #Setup the context  
  11.    $Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL)  
  12.    $Ctx.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($Cred.UserName,$Cred.Password)  
  13.    #Get the List  
  14.    $List= $Ctx.web.lists.GetByTitle($ListName)  
  15.    $Ctx.Load($List)  
  16.    $Ctx.ExecuteQuery()  
  17.    #Define Query to Filter and Get All Files from the list  
  18.    $Query = "@  
  19.    <View Scope='RecursiveAll'>  
  20.       <Query>  
  21.       <Where>  
  22.       <Eq>  
  23.          <FieldRef Name='FSObjType' /><Value Type='Integer'>0</Value>  
  24.       </Eq>  
  25.       </Where>  
  26.       </Query>  
  27.    </View>"  
  28. $FilesQuery = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery  
  29. $FilesQuery.ViewXml =$Query  
  30. $Files = $List.GetItems($FilesQuery)  
  31. $Ctx.Load($Files)  
  32. $Ctx.ExecuteQuery()  
  33. #Define Query to Filter and Get All Folders from the list  
  34. $Query = "@  
  35.    <View Scope='RecursiveAll'>  
  36.       <Query>  
  37.          <Where>  
  38.             <Eq>  
  39.                <FieldRef Name='FSObjType' /><Value Type='Integer'>1</Value>  
  40.             </Eq>  
  41.          </Where>  
  42.       </Query>  
  43.    </View>"  
  44. $FoldersQuery = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery  
  45. $FoldersQuery.ViewXml =$Query  
  46. $Folders = $List.GetItems($FoldersQuery)  
  47. $Ctx.Load($Folders)  
  48. $Ctx.ExecuteQuery()  
  49. #Get List Item Count  
  50.    Write-host -f Green "Total Number of Items in the List:"$List.ItemCount  
  51.    Write-host -f Green "Total Number of Files in the List:"$Files.Count  
  52.    Write-host -f Green "Total Number of Folders in the List:"$Folders.Count  
  53. }  
  54. Catch {  
  55.    write-host -f Red "Error Getting List Item Count!" $_.Exception.Message  
  56. }  
Just open Windows PowerShell ISE and run the below Script after configuring your List/Library name along with its respective Site Collection.
Provide your User Account details when prompted in a Pop-Up. You will get the below result as shown in the below snapshot:
Happy SharePointing!
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