Microsoft Azure - How To Check Details About Azure VM Sizes Using PowerShell

In this blog, we will discuss how to check the details of Azure VM tiers and sizes. Microsoft Azure has basically three tiers - Basic, Standard, and Premium.

The major difference among these tiers is the features present in them for a virtual machine, like high availability, auto scale, etc.

When we create the VM, we need to select the size of VM from Basic or Standard tier as per the requirement of cores, memory, disk space etc... But when we create the VM using PowerShell, we need to first check the options of sizes of Virtual Machines available.

To get the available sizes for Azure VM, we need to write the following command.


It lists out all the sizes available to Azure VM with detailed information like Cores, Memory etc. as shown in the below image.


If we need to just check the name of instance sizes without the need for detailed information, we can write the command -

(Get-AzureRoleSize). InstanceSize


To check the detailed information about a specific VM size, we just need to specify the name of the instance size with a command like this -

Get-AzureRoleSize –InstanceSize Standard_G1


So, using these few cmdlets, we can check the available VM sizes available before creating any virtual machine.

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