Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing

What is Azure

Azure is a cloud computing service provided by Microsoft to successfully build, deploy, and manage applications as well as services in a Global Network. It was launched in 2009.


Microsoft provides around 600 Azure Services. Some are listed below.
  1. Compute: Virtual Machines known as IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service)

    App Services known as PAAS (Platform As A Service)
    Web Jobs , Web Apps and many more ....

  2. Storage Service:

    Table Storages - Non-relational Database OR Non-SQL databases
    Blob Storages - Stores files as Binary data like text files, images etc
    Queue Storages - Communicates with applications by messages by queue

  3. Data management : Azure search provides text search.

    SQL Database - Integrated with Active directory
    Radis cache is a managed implemantation

  4. CDN : A global CDN (Content Delivery Network) for audio, Image, applications.

    Like above some other services are Mobile service, messaging service, Media service, Hybride Integration and many more.
SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS 
Software As A Service (SaaS)

SaaS is the most familiar form of cloud service. Azure provides some software to its clients for consuming as a service, like salesforce, productivity softwares etc.

Use of SaaS application will help you to reduce the time for installtion, managing the application, maintanance etc. 

Platform As A Service (PaaS)

Azure provides platforms on which software can be developed and deployed. This service is known as PaaS. With PaaS, a provider offers adding operation systems, middleware (ex - Databases), and other runtimes.

Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)

IaaS is comprised of highly automated and scalable computing resources where the users must create virtual machines and install operating systems.
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