Major Differences Between Modern Communication Sites, Team Sites and Hub Sites


Hi guys, let’s explore the major differences between Modern Communication Sites, Team Sites, and Hub sites.

Here is a quick table, summarizing a few major points:

Features Communication Site Team Site Hub Site
Creation Using Modern Admin Centre or PowerShell Using Modern Admin Centre or PowerShell Only after Comm/Team Site is created can be Registered as a Hub Site manually using Modern Admin Centre or PowerShell
Default Designs Blank, Showcase, Topic Teams Same as the site collection from which it’s registered to Hub
Association to Hub Yes Yes Not Supported
SPFx Customizations Supports both SPFx WebParts and Extensions Supports both SPFx WebParts and Extensions Supports both SPFx WebParts and Extensions
Custom Site Design and Site Scripts Supported and reused in Comm Sites creation. Web Template ID:-68 Supported and reused in Comm Sites creation. Web Template ID:-64 Depends on from which Site Collection is used for registering as a Hub
Custom Theme Can be applied OR Inherited from the Hub to which it’s associated Can be applied OR Inherited from the Hub to which it’s associated Can be applied through Theme Generator concept
Navigation Menu MegaMenu and Cascading both available and can be changed manually using PnP Powershell Not Available Same as Comm site
Footer Available and can be disabled through PS and manually Not Supported Same as Comm site
Left Navigation Not Available Available and can be changed using Quick Launch Depends on from which Site Collection is used for registering as a Hub
Top Navigation Available and can be changed using Quick Launch Not Available Depends on from which Site Collection is used for registering as a Hub
Global Navigation Not Available but inherits from it’s Hub if associated Not Available Available and can only be done manually through Edit option
Shared Calendar Events with no O365 Group supported Group Calendar with O365 Group support Depends on from which Site Collection is used for registering as a Hub
Purpose Broadcasting Internal Team members usage To keep all the related and connected Communication Sites and Team Sites associated with a single Hub for a more effective working and management
O365 Group in built Not Supported Available Depends on from which Site Collection is used for registering as a Hub
PrimaryBusinessObjective Showcase, Share a service, Tell a Story Connect, Collaborate, Create Depends on from which Site Collection is used for registering as a Hub
Content Authors A small number of content authors and a much larger number of content readers 0r consumers. All members are content authors who jointly create and edit content. Depends on which Modern Site used for Hub Registering
Governance Governance and policies often determined by the organization to ensure consistency of experience and effective management of organizational information. Governance and "norms" typically determined by the team. Practices are aligned in the best way to get work done. Depends on which Modern Site used for Hub Registering
Quantity Expect to have fewer communication sites – aligned Expect to have a lot of team sites Promotes Quality with Adequate Quantity of Command Team Sites.
Home Site Can be clubbed under a Hub Can be clubbed under a Hub ****All Hubs can be clubbed under a Home Site and presented on Top Navigation
Security Trimming Modern Site collection with Classic Sub Sites can support Security Trimming OR Use Modern News WP Modern Site collection with Classic Sub Sites can support Security Trimming OR Use Modern News WP Modern Site collection with Classic Sub Sites can support Security Trimming OR Use Modern News WP
Save Site as Template Not Supported in Modern Not Supported in Modern Not Supported in Modern
Cloning only Structure Possible Through PnP PowerShell Possible Through PnP PowerShell Possible Through PnP PowerShell
Cloning like Site Pages Possible Through PnP PowerShell Possible Through PnP PowerShell Possible Through PnP PowerShell
Cloning along with Content Possible Through Migration Tool Possible Through PnP PowerShell Possible Through PnP PowerShell

Thanks for reading, I hope this was helpful to you!

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