LinkedIn Stealing my Calendar Schedule

What is going on with world's largest professional's network - LinkedIn? LinkedIn is behaving very unprofessionally lately.

If you are on LinkedIn, let me ask you this question? Why are you on LinkedIn? 

Well, seriously, why are you on LinkedIn? What is your goal behind your LinkedIn profile? Is LinkedIn your business profile? 

I know some people, for them LinkedIn is their business. I personally know recruiters who spend thousands of dollars each month to recruit their manpower on LinkedIn.

But that's not me. I am on LinkedIn to keep my professional contacts at one place. I used LinkedIn as my business card diary. Most of the people I have on Network, I met once in my life. That is all. Next time, I will contact them when I need them or somebody will contact me when they need me. That is all.

I remember few months back, LinkedIn started showing news and other crap on the home page. Do I really want to ready that? I don't think so. LinkedIn is trying to become a social network (Facebook copied features) with status update on my page. Do I really want to do that? I don't think so. That's not me. 

Personally, I think business users are totally different than Facebook users. Their mindset is different. They value their privacy and they definitely value their time.

Recently, LinkedIn started adding “Recommendations” on the home page. Every time you visit LinkedIn, you will be forced to recommend somebody in your network. Heck, I don't even know most of the people in my Network. How can I recommend them? I will get recommendation from people about my work who I have never met in my life. How will they know about my work? And you must have to do this to get rid of that damn half page control. How credible is that data?

That is not all. Now, LinkedIn is going after your personal data. 

Well, yesterday I was looking at my LinkedIn app on my iPhone and I see “Mindcracker meeting” on the home page. I was surprised to see it. I never added this meeting to LinkedIn.


I clicked on it and now I see all my calendar schedule in LinkedIn. 


The LinkedIn app has stolen all my calendar schedule. I was like - What the f**k. 


Alright, it is not stolen. I still have my data :) but they have accessed it and shared it on the App. I am sure they are storing on their server too. 

I never asked LinkedIn to access my private data and show in their app. I am not sure what the sh**t they do in the background in the app but I am not liking it. I do not like LinkedIn app is accessing my personal calendar. Who knows they may start selling my calendar schedule. 

What is next? They will steal my contacts? Then they will put a GPS?

I have no choice but to uninstall the damn app. 

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