Get ReSharper Student License

ReSharper is a professional tool that helps you to use better coding and has suggested code for better coding.

If you're a fan of Visual Studio, then you're probably already aware of ReSharper. If not, ReSharper is a plugin that provides many features and enhancements to Visual Studio, many of which are aimed at helping you write better code.

One of my favorite features of ReSharper is code cleanup. This feature can be invoked on demand or automatically as part of a Visual Studio check-in. Code cleanup will reformat your code according to your settings and perform several other common refactorings, such as removing unused using directives.

ReSharper also provides excellent assistance when working with code that utilizes the LINQ extension methods. For example, if you hover over a LINQ expression, ReSharper will display a tooltip that shows the equivalent SQL query. This can be helpful when trying to understand how complex LINQ expressions are executed.

Overall, I think ReSharper is an invaluable tool for anyone who spends a lot of time working in Visual Studio. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend doing so!

You can have a free license if you are a Software Engineering student.

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