Kickstart Games Programming Using Gdevelop


The following blog is based on the Introduction of Create 2D game and 3D effect development using “Gdevelop” IDE and since it is open source, the Games can be exported with GDevelop. The game is being built and run on the native and HTML5 platform, GDevelop is Cross platform game creator.


“Gdevelop” Software Environment version 4.0 (Free).

Windows 8.1, 10 (recommended).


First of all,we need to open the “Gdeveop” IDE.


Creating a New Game

For creating a new game->Choose the Web platform and then click on Empty project.

The following article represents the basic introduction of Gdevelop IDE and provides the procedure for simple object creation.

Select->new->file->new project.

First of all we need to choose our platform for game development. For that we need to choose the platform such as html5 and native, the present article explains about the basic object creation and the output is based on html 5.

If the game development is based on html 5 then, HTML5->create this platform-> android and Web games.

Supppose the game development is based on native then, Native->Create platform ->Windows and Linux Games.

After selecting->new project, a dialog box window will appear and select->html5->empty project and click->create the new project.


New Scene Conditions

After creating a new project , a new scene window stage will appear and scene and event conditions will be seen in the new scene stage as shown below.The scene conditon represents the insertion of object and event condition represents the performance action of the object.


Scene Object Editor

The scene object editor represents the insertion of the objects, and it allows the required number of object insertions according to the user's request and the inserted object can be edited according to the need of the user.


Events Conditions editor

The event editor is like a heart of the entire game development, since the scene editor represents just the insertion of object, whereas the event editor brings the life of the object action such as movements of the object.


Create Object

From the right side of the window after creating a new project, right click on ->object editor and select->Add an obejct.


Insert Background Image

The insertion of the background image can be done by adding the image from our own PC with desired image, for that right click-> on the scene editor and select->insert a new object.


Edit the Player object

For performing an action of the object we need to right click->on the object->add a behavior to the object.


Adding the Behaviors Conditions

The following conditions represents that we must add two behavior objects, one is platform character and another one is platform.



iI's time to view the output that we have been waiting for, for viewing the output, select->scene in the options menu and click->preview for output



I hope this blog will be useful for kickstarting your games programming using Gdevelop, and in the following upcoming articles I will explain about usage of different concepts using Gdevelop IDE. Thanks for reading and have a nice day:)

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