Before reading this blog, I highly recommend reading the previous part of the series,
After creating table we will be discuss Join.
Inner Join:
Inner join use to combine the data from one table itself only.
- select e1.ename,e1.designation,e2.ename as Manager
- from Employee e1,Employee e2
- where e1.eid=e2.mgrid
- select e1.ename,e1.designation,e2.ename as Manager
- from Employee e1
- Self join Employee e2
- On e1.eid=e2.mgrid
Run this self-join output will be as:
![Run this self-join]()
Inner join use to display common data from both of tables.
![Inner join use to display]()
- select e.ename,e.designation,,b.bname
- from Employee e
- innerjoin branch b
- on e.eid=b.eid
Execute this query . output will be like:
![Inner join]()
Figure: Inner join
Left outer join:
Left outer join use to display all data from left table and matching data of right table.
![Left outer join]()
- select e.ename,e.designation,,b.bname
- from Employee e
- leftouterjoin branch b
- on e.eid=b.eid
![Output Left outer join]()
Figure: Output Left outer join
Right outer join:
Right outer join use to display all data from right side table and matching data of left side table.
- select e.ename,e.designation,,b.bname
- from Employee e
- Rightouterjoin branch b
- on e.eid=b.eid
![Right outer join]()
Execute this query, output will be like below figure:
![Output right outer join]()
Figure: Output right outer join