iPhone leads social media smart devices

iPhone leads social media smart devices

Mobility and social networking have changed drastically in last few years. I remember going to a club or party and see people talking to each other. Today, I go to a party and see everybody is on their cell phones either tweeting or texting. This is how social we are. We announce our club activity on twitter to our virtual friends who we merely know personally.

Every day, a few times a day, I use my iPhone to check my emails, my twitter account and C# Corner website. So what device is responsible the most for social activity?

Digital Trends reports South by Southwest stats for Twitter tweets and check ins for various mobile smart devices and Apple's iOS leads all the way by capturing a whopping 74% of the total check ins. iPhone leads the way with 60% tweets and iPad 14%. Google Android OS takes 14% of the market and BlackBerry is right behind at 12%. The latest and last player is Windows Phone at 1% of the market.
In my recent post, iOS vs Android vs Windows Phone 7 and the Winner is … , I announce Android the winner among all smart devices and now it will be interesting to see how it affects Google and Apple after iOS 5 comes to the market.

South by Southwest stats also shows the top app check-ins (logins). The foursquare app wins the war with 65 percent of users participating in the location-based meta-game, followed Gowalla (22%) and SCVNGR (12 %).

I would be curious to know how next version of Windows Phone 7.1 [Mango] will be compared with after iOS 5.

I would be curious to see the changes after new iPhone 5 hits the market. 


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