This is one of the common errors we face in ASP.NET from time to time. This compiler error occurs sometimes because of version changes where the Dotnet compiler version and C# version are incompatible.
Exact Error
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS1617: Invalid option ‘6’ for /langversion; must be ISO-1, ISO-2, 3, 4, 5 or Default
In short, we will below error in the compiler.
Compiler Error Message - Invalid option ‘7.3’ for /langversion; must be ISO-1, ISO-2, Default, Latest, or a valid version in range 1 to 7.1.
Solution 1
One of the easy solutions is to install and reinstall these two NuGet packages.
- Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
- Microsoft.Net.Compilers
Right Click on Project >> Manage NuGet Packages >> Installed as shown,
![Manage NuGet Packages]()
Simply, uninstall and install again these packages.
Solution 2. Another way is to update the following NuGet packages (whichever installed) to resolve the problem,
- Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
- Microsoft.Net.Compilers
Solution 3: Pay attention to compiler “type” in the Web.Config
file, when changing Framework version,
for 4.5 and C#5,
for 4.6 and C#6,
type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.CSharpCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatfor
Workaround: Change in webconfig,
<compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs" type="Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:6 /nowarn:1659;1699;1701">
<providerOption name="CompilerVersion" value="v4.0"/>
<compiler language="vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension=".vb" type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.VBCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:14 /nowarn:41008 /define:_MYTYPE=\"Web\" /optionInfer+"/>
Attribute “compilerOptions” needs to be replaced: “langversion:6” -> ‘langversion:5“
This is how we can solve this compilation error.