Introduction Of C++

Introduction to C++

  • C++ is an extension language of C language.
  • C++ was developed by BjarneStroustrup at Bell Laboratories.
  • Bjarne Stroustrup initially called the new languages "C with classes".
  • In 1983, the name was changed to C++.
  • C++ is an intermediate-level language, and it can support both high-level and low-level features.
  • C++ is an Object Oriented Programming Language, but it is not pure.

Benefits of C++ over C language

  • C++ is an object-oriented programming language, and C is a procedural language.
  • Stronger type checking compared to C.
  • There is no exception handling in C, but C++ can support this.
  • Instead of macros in C language, C++ can support an inline function

Why should we have to study C++?

  • We all know that the first programming language is C. Afterwards, C++ is an extension of C.
    • The invention of C++ was associated with one major programming factor and increasing complexity because of the Application of the program (or) the number of lines in the source code. Increases, it is very complex.
    • To solve these problems, we can get into C++.    
  • It is easily understood.
  • C++ is efficient    

What do Compilers, Archiver, Linker, Toolset, and IDE mean?

  • Compiler- A compiler takes a C++ source file as an input and produces the object files.     
  • Archiver- Archiver takes a collection of the object files as input and produces a static library or archive, which is simply grouped into a collection of the object files, grouped for convenient use.  
  • Linker- Linker takes a collection of the object files and libraries and resolves their symbolic references to produce an executable.   
  • Toolset
    • The computer can only understand the machine language code. 
    • The three basic tools used to build C++ Applications are the compiler, the linker, and the archiver.
    • The collection of these programs is called Toolset.  
  • IDE
    An integrated development environment provides a graphical interface for organizing a collection of the source files and describing the binary files which should be related to them.

IDE for C++

  • Visual C++
  • Code warrior
  • C++ Builder
  • Dev C++
  • Code Block 

For example installation of dev C++

  • Open the file.
  • When the file is done downloading, locate the downloaded file and open the executable file.
  • Install Dev /C++. Afterward, you open the executable file; you will be run through an installation setup.

Steps to install





Simple program in C++


using namespace std;
int main() {
  cout << "in the name of allah" << endl;
  cout << "this is my first program in c++";




Thus, the introduction, installation, and simple programming are explained successfully.

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